I'm always inspired by what other people do with their craft/sewing rooms. Especially when we have the same stuff. As I'm sure you're all aware like every crafter/seamstress in the world just a bought has those little drawer things from IKEA. It's ok I do too. And speaking of which I thought I would share what I've done with mine...

Thats several coats of cherry mixed with mahogany danish oil, I stained mine to match my book case which happens to be the small billy bookcase from Ikea. Each drawer is filled with a different color way of thread. Unfortunatly thats where I've been stuck for the last six months or so.

Yesterday I decided to paint the finger pulls in the color of the threads, the above shot is a between shot, but I reeeeely like them just white. Below you can see what they look like with their color coding. I'm not sure I like it but I have to know whats in the drawers, opening each one every time I need a thread is getting to be a bit much.

Thoughts ? Help? please?...
On another note, I've started another project out of Last Minute Patchwork Gifts, this time its the Pencil roll from Pink Chalk Studios. I really can't recommend this book enough.

and last but not least a picture of my ever expanding stash. Note, this dose not include the chest of drawers in the closet, or the bolts in the closet, or the stack on the bed..... on the bright side I joined the fabric swap on swap bot, so two lucky people will benefit from my dragon like hoarding, if I can manage to pry some of it from my own fingers...

and someday I'll learn to take a decent photo....